Gender Pronouns | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Gender Pronouns

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站致力于重视和确认校园社区成员的性别认同和表达. 性别认同是指个体内在的性别意识, 不管他们出生时的性别或法律文件上的性别. 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站寻求创造性别包容性学术的一种方式, living, 工作环境是通过鼓励校园社区的所有成员指出他们自己使用的代词, if desired, in classes, residence halls, workplaces, and other settings, 并鼓励校园社区的成员尊重这些代词.

What is a pronoun?

  • 代词是用来代替名词或名词短语来指代个人的词.
  • Pronouns can be in the first person singular (I, me) or plural (we, us); second person singular or plural (you); and the third person singular (e.g., she/her, he/him, they/them, ze/hir) or plural (they/them).
  • 性别代词专门指代某人的性别:he/him/his或she/her/hers.
  • 非性别或非二元代词不是特定于性别的,最常被那些在性别二元之外进行识别的人使用. 最常见的非二元代词是they/them/their,用于单数形式.g., Jadzia identifies as genderqueer; they do not see themselves as either a woman or a man). 其他非二元代词包括代替she/he的ze(发音为“zee”), and hir (pronounced “here”) in place of his/him/her (e.g.贾齐亚经营着自己的生意,但他更出名的身份是作家。. “它”或“他-她”是对变性人和性别不一致的人的蔑称, and should not be used.
  • 其他使用代词的方法可能包括直接使用自己的名字, not having a preference, or wanting to avoid pronouns altogether.
  • 世界上有许多语言不使用性别代词.

Pronoun Table

(This is not an exhaustive list)

Subjective Objective Possessive Reflexive Examples
She Her Hers Herself She is studying.
I studied with her.
The book is hers.
He  Him His Himself He is studying.
I studied with him.
The book is his.
They Them Theirs Themself They are studying.
I studied with them.
The book is theirs.
Name Name Name's Name's self Alex is studying.
I studied with Alex.
The book is Alex's.
Ze ("zee") Zir
("zere")/ Hir ("here")
Zirs/Hirs Zirself/Hirself Ze is studying.
I studied with zir.
The book is zirs.


Why are pronouns important?

  • 询问代词是很重要的,因为你不能假设一个人是如何根据外表来判断自己的性别的.
  • As a society, 十大赌博信誉的平台通常通过外表来推测他人的性别,并通过使用性别化的语言来表明这些假设, such as she/he, ma’am/sir, Ms./Mr., and ladies/gentlemen.
  • This practice results in many individuals, especially trans and gender-nonconforming individuals, being misgendered, which may lead them to feel disrespected, marginalized, and invisible.
  • 不用担心别人会根据他们对你性别的看法来称呼你,这是一种特权. If you have this privilege, yet fail to respect someone else’s gender identity, it is disrespectful and hurtful.

How can I be inclusive in using and respecting gender pronouns?

  • 尊重某人的自我认同意味着使用他们认同的性别代词. Some people go by more than one set of pronouns.
  • 在日常使用中,通过一些策略来规范性别代词的使用过程,比如在电子邮件签名中使用它们, business cards, website profile, and nametags, or using them as you introduce yourself (i.e., "My name is Tou and my pronouns are he and him. What about you?”)
  • 如果你不知道或者没有问过别人的代词,试着用“they/them”代词.
  • Ask individuals to provide their personal pronoun(s). It can feel awkward at first, 但这并不像弄错或做出有害的假设那么尴尬.  Here are some ways you can do this:
    • “What pronouns do you use?”
    • “How would you like me to refer to you?”
    • "Can you remind me what pronouns I should be using for you?" 
  • Please note that if a student, staff, 或者社区成员告诉你,他们不想透露他们的代词,或者不希望他们的代词为公众所知, you can refer to that person by their name only (i.e., Leo’s book is over there. Can you please hand it to Leo?).

What if I mistakenly use the wrong pronouns for someone? 

  • 如果你用错了某人的代词,最好的办法就是马上说出来, such as “Sorry, I meant they.“修复它,但不要在这个时候特别注意错误. 如果你在事后意识到自己的错误,私下道歉,然后继续前进.
  • 你可能会忍不住不停地说自己搞砸了有多糟糕,或者想要把事情做好有多难. But please, don’t. 这是不合适的,而且会让被性别歧视的人感到尴尬,觉得有责任安慰你, which is not their job. It is your job to remember people’s pronouns.
  • If you hear someone else using the wrong pronoun, in most cases, 你可以温和地纠正犯错误的人,而不要让性别错误的人更加尴尬. 你可以这样说,“实际上,尼拉用‘they’来表示他们自己.”

Pronouns Dos and Donts


  • Do recognize that most people have pronouns, not just trans people, and that asking pronouns is very important, 这样就不会有人被错性别了,也不会只有跨性别者会觉得有必要分享他们的代词.
  • Do remember that some people go by more than one set of pronouns.
  • 当你问别人的名字时,一定要问他们用什么代词来称呼自己, 比如当你第一次见到某人,或者当你在会议上四处走动的时候. Keep in mind that people may change the pronouns they go by, so it is necessary to ask pronouns in go-arounds regularly.
  • Do say “the pronouns someone uses” or “their personal pronouns,” rather than “their preferred pronouns,” because the pronouns someone uses are not a preference.
  • 请记住,并不是每个人在任何场合都能自如地使用自己的代词,没有人应该被迫这样做.
  • 是否考虑使用其他方法使语言更具性别包容性, such as by using “Hey, everyone” or "How are all y'all doing?" in a group setting instead of “Hey guys!” or “Hey ladies!" or "How are you guys doing?” Browse more gender-inclusive terms.


  • 不要把“他们/他们/他们的”或“ze/hir/hir”之类的代词称为“中性代词”.“虽然有些人认为自己是中性的,但其他人认为自己的性别是非二元的. Better language is “nonbinary pronouns.”
  • Don’t describe the pronouns someone uses as “preferred pronouns.” It is not a preference. 一个人使用的代词是他们自己的代词,也是唯一应该用在他们身上的代词.
  • Don’t say “male pronouns” and “female pronouns.代词不一定与某人的性别认同有关:一些跨性别者使用“他/他/他的”或“她/她/她”,” but do not identify as male or female, respectively.
  • 如果你符合(大多数)性别期望,并且不是跨性别者, don’t indicate that you “don’t care what pronouns are used for me.“这样的说法强化了那些符合性别而非跨性别者的特权,因为这些人不会被错性别,因此不需要担心人们对他们使用的代词. 它还使性别不一致和跨性别者的经历无效, 他们中的许多人很难让人们使用正确的代词.

Resources on how to use, ask, and share pronouns

Gender-inclusive Terms

Gendered noun Gender-inclusive noun
mankind people, human beings, humanity
freshman first-year student
man-made machine-made, synthetic, artificial
chairman chair, chairperson, coordinator, head
mailman/postman mail carrier, letter carrier, postal worker
policeman police officer
fireman firefighter
salesman salesperson, sales associate
steward, stewardess flight attendant
waiter, waitress server
congressman legislator, congressional representative
partner, spouse, significant other
mother/father parent
sister/brother sibling
son/daughter child, kid

